fredag 12 februari 2021

more about Vänern Runt


Surface area
5,650 km2 

Coastline length
4 500 km

rough rough MINIMAL riding distance 
547 km

riding at 30km/h average 8h /day --> 240 km/day

söndag 27 december 2020

the riding MANIFESTO


new date...
(week 19)

Riding Manifesto:
  • Ride as close to the water as possible
  • Ride on the smallest road possible …sometimes even forest paths
  • Carve as much as possible 
  • Use NVDB map shown below with focus on gravel roads (red lines in the map!)
  • Ride >60km then recharge and rest
  • 2-3 riding sessions / day
  • Find Camping site for charging, sleeping and uploading videos and images
  • You need a machine with Ca 70km range at speeds @ 25-55km/h
    (ex Veteran Sherman, Monster-2400Wh, EX-2700Wh …)
  • You must have a fast charger to be able to charge in 2-3hours 

NVDB karta